
  • Does your ticket give access to all concerts?

    As the lucky owner of a Gent Jazz ticket, you have access to the entire audience area of the festival and all the concerts that day. Yes, that's a lot of music for one ticket, about five to eight hours of concert fun. So make sure you're well-rested and come as early as the first concert, that way you'll make the most of your ticket.


  • Are the seats numbered


    For the seated concerts, the seats are not numbered so you cannot choose a seat when you book your tickets. You can, however, choose the category/zone (green, yellow, blue, red and orange) for some concerts. Once on-site, you will be given a wristband at the entrance which denotes the colour of the zone/category where you can place your chair.


  • How much do tickets cost?

    Ticket prices per day can be found here.


  • Does your ticket give access to all the concerts?


    As the lucky owner of a Gent Jazz ticket, you have access to the entire audience area of the festival and all the concerts that day. Yes, that's a lot of music for one ticket, about five to eight hours of concert fun. So make sure you're well-rested and come as early as the first concert, that way you'll make the most of your ticket.


  • Are there multi-day passes available

    There are no multi-day passes available for this edition of Gent Jazz.


  • Do I get a discount with the UiTPAS?

    Yes, with an UiTPAS Region Ghent with valid opportunity status, you get an 80% discount on the ticket price. You can purchase tickets via this link. After validation of your loyalty card number, you will be able to purchase tickets at a discount. The reduction is only valid for one ticket.


  • Tickets for people with reduced mobility

    People with limited mobility must reserve their special tickets by filling in this form provided by INTER. Once your request was approved, you'll receive a ticketlink with code to purchase 1 or 2 tickets. The platform is not only available for wheelchair users. People with mobility problems (due to disability or illness), people with dwarfism, the blind and visually impaired, ... are eligible for these tickets. Reservations can only be made if you can prove your disability with a European blue parking card or other official document. The form will be available soon!


  • Do I need to buy tickets for my kids?

    Children up to and including 3 years old can enter the festival for free, if they sit on your lap (when the concert is seated). For children over 3 years old, you need to buy a regular ticket via this link.

  • When do I receive my tickets?


    Your tickets will be available for download end of June 2024. Exact date will be communicated later.


  • Buying tickets at the desk


    Last-minute decision to come to the best jazz festival in Gent? No problem! On days that have not sold out, you can buy tickets at the desk. Check the website to see which days are sold out. You can also buy tickets after the festival has started. You can buy tickets right up to the last concert.


  • Lost your tickets?


    Can't find your tickets? We can help with your search via this link!


  • Questions about tickets?


    Any questions about your tickets? Please complete the form.


  • Vouchers

    Do you have a voucher after Gent Jazz? Email us at